Defending the New LLM Frontier:

End-to-End Security for the Generative AI Era

Let's Talk

Secure Your Future With a Dedicated Full LLM Security Suite

The 90’s had the internet, 2010’s had the cloud. We have GenAI.

But it’s pretty wild out there, with new cyber threats evolving as we speak. Lasso Security enables you to safely harness AI large language model (LLM) technology and embrace progress, without compromising security.


We’re focused exclusively on LLM security issues. This technology is in our DNA, right down to our code.

Built for Everyone

Easy-install solution - no AI or cybersecurity expertise needed. Get saddled up and ready to go in moments.

End-to-End (Really)

Our solution lassos external threats, and internal errors that lead to exposure, going beyond traditional methods.
The horse Has Bolted the Stable.

Your Company is Using LLMs. You Just Don’t Know Where.

The question is not if, but which LLMs, and how they are being used.

43% of surveyed professionals are using LLMs or other GenAI tools to increase productivity at work.
Blocking ChatGPT is a temporary solution at best - and it comes with a cost in terms of lost productivity. Securing employee usage is a critical first step on the way to organizational readiness.

The choice: embrace LLMs or get left in the dust.

A majority of organizations are now dedicating resources to LLM adoption.
But very few are taking the time to address vulnerabilities and risks - either the ones we know about, or the ones coming over the horizon.

Like any gold rush, the LLM revolution is an exciting target for cyber bandits who know how to exploit these weaknesses in your security posture.

But There’s a New Sheriff in Town.

And We’re Asking All the Right Questions.

Shadow AI Discovery

Shadow AI Discovery

Who is using which LLM tools in your organization?
Identify which tools and models are being used
Know who is using them, where and how

LLM Monitoring and Observability

LLM Monitoring and Observability

What data is being sent in and out of the organization?
Log every user (internal or external) interaction with the LLM. Get full visibility of your organization risk posture
Log every employee interaction with LLM-based tools
Log every user interaction with your LLM application

Real-Time Detection and Alerting

Real-Time Detection and Alerting

Are employees sending or receiving risky data?
Is someone trying to tamper with your models?
For employees:
  • PII/IP or sensitive data sent
  • Malicious  code received
  • Code copyrights infringement
For applications:
  • Direct/Indirect prompt injections
  • Model denial of service
  • Sensitive information disclosure

End-to-End Protection

End-to-End Protection

What is your organization doing to protect itself against external and internal threats?
Alert on suspicious activity
Enforce masking and anonymization steps
Block malicious attempts from threat actors or internal user

Hired your first LLMsec officer yet?

Probably not. But in the not-so-distant future, you’ll need one. Now is the time to get ahead of the curve, and empower your cybersecurity professionals with dedicated tools designed specifically to ensure the security of LLM applications.
Learn more about the people behind Lasso Security, and why they’re the right team to trust with your LLM security posture.
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